Agent smiling and shaking the hands of new clients after a confident conversation

Agents Who Can Answer These 8 Questions Get More Business

Every day, people are totally bombarded with information.

It happens every time you check your email, scroll a social feed, turn on the TV, listen to the radio or a podcast, etc.

Without a doubt, we’re living in the age of information. This should and can be exciting. But most of the time it just feels…overwhelming.

And all that noise, all that knowledge at our fingertips, tends to lead to confusion more than it does clarity.

This is especially true when it comes to your job in real estate and the housing market. That means, as agents, we must work 10x harder to fight that misinformation. And the best way to do that is to get in front of it. You must anticipate questions before your clients can ask them. And when you get asked, you must be able to answer them with confidence and clarity.

By answering these eight questions, you can prove your value and convert those hesitant prospects into clients. Get the exact words to answer the biggest objections with these scripts or start a KCM Membership to get even more insights and tools that grow your business.

Is it better to rent or to buy?

While this question is nothing new in this business, it feels like it’s front and center with all the affordability challenges over the past year. And while every situation is different, and in some cases it is better to continue renting than to buy, it’s not always the best choice.

Why? It mostly has to do with a small, yet powerful six-letter word: equity.

This content helps clear up that confusion and sends a clear message about the advantages of buying if you’re ready, willing, and able.

What are the biggest mistakes homebuyers are making today?

Buying a home these days can be tricky, and it’s easy for buyers to make mistakes. But with the help of a real estate pro (like you), it doesn’t have to be hard.

Share this content with your sphere to show them that with your help, they can avoid some of the most common bumps along the way.

Are home prices declining?

Have you been seeing headlines about home price cuts lately? Helping your clients understand the difference between asking price and sold price is essential today – because nationally, prices aren’t falling, and those headlines are doing more to terrify than clarify.

This content helps them understand what’s really happening with prices in today’s market.

Do elections impact the housing market?

It’s an election year, which means questions have been flooding in about how or if this year’s Presidential election will impact the housing market.

If we had to take a guess, you’re probably getting them too.

That’s why we put together decades of data to show what typically happens with sales, prices, and rates in an election cycle. This content helps educate you and your sphere on historical trends and what that means for the housing market.

Is now a good time to sell my house?

Buyers aren’t the only ones with lots of questions these days. Homeowners looking to sell might be just as confused or cautious when it comes to what’s happening in housing.

Remember what we said before? There is so much misinformation we have to fight on a daily basis. But, as we’re sure you’ve learned, trying to convince a client that it’s a good time to sell rarely works. Instead, let this content do the talking.

What is going on with mortgage rates?

The past few years have been riddled with confusion and frustration about mortgage rate volatility.

From historic lows to the fastest climb in history, it’s a lot for someone in the industry to try and follow, let alone one of your clients.

Thankfully this content does a great job at explaining why mortgage rates have been on a rollercoaster the past few years, and how it impacts the market.

How does a real estate agent help market your house?

You know there’s a whole world beyond listings and photos. But do your clients know that?

Share this content to show the value you bring to the table when it comes to marketing homes. Your clients might be surprised by all the behind-the-scenes work you’ll do as their agent.

Will rising inventory impact my home sale?

For the first time in what seems like forever, we’re finally seeing inventory rise. All-in-all, this is good news for the housing market.

But it also means that things are a little different than they were two years ago – and homeowners may need a reality check on what that means for their selling plans.

This content helps give them the perspective they need to hear about selling today.

Bottom Line

We can’t control what’s happening in the housing market, but we can control what we prioritize. That way, in times of uncertainty, you see these factors less as stop signs and more as opportunities for growth and change.

Remember this: the key to success in any market is staying educated, acclimating to the current climate, and making sure you’re keeping the most important thing the most important thing: helping your clients buy and sell homes.

And the best way to do that right now is to help buyers and sellers make confident decisions.

We’ve made it easy with our Confident Conversations scripts. By being able to answer these top questions with current data and insights, you can turn uncertainty into new business. Download the free scripts today.