Entries by The KCM Crew

Nearly 16M Homes Are Now Underwater

Zillow just reported that their data shows nearly 16 million homes in this country are now in a negative equity position where the house is worth less than the mortgages on the home. This number is dramatically higher than the approximate 11 million reported by other entities. Why the huge difference? Zillow professes to take […]

The Top 5 Reasons Deals Fall Apart

I’ve been told that 29% of all contracts signed never make it to the closing table- that nearly 3 in 10 transactions where a buyer and seller have come to terms (no easy feat in this market) fall apart. In a more normal market, I would say 90% of deals close. So, I figured if […]

Where Are House Prices Actually Headed?

We are often asked where we believe home values are headed. To answer this question we want to quote three separate reports that have been published in the last 60 days: the Home Price Expectations Survey (HPES), the Urban Land Institute Real Estate Consensus Forecast (ULI) and the Demand Institute’s Report (DIR): The Shifting Nature […]

The Lesson of Megan

This upcoming weekend, my daughter Megan, the eldest of our four children is graduating from Binghamton University. When these type of life events happen, I like to reflect upon both “How did we get here?” and “What are the best actions I can take to make sure things stay on the right path?” As I […]

The Nosy Neighbor Loved 2006

Back in 2005 and 2006, everyone thought they were experts in real estate, just like this nosy neighbor. Today, being an expert means truly understanding what is happening in the market and why it is happening. To better understand those two things, be sure to register for a free webinar we’re doing this Thursday at […]

Listen to Your Elders

The past week has been a whirlwind for me. Last Thursday, I had major surgery. I tell you this only as an explanation of how I came to write this week’s blog. I have been in a rehab facility for a couple days and what is most impressive is how the other patients are so […]

What Is ‘QM’ and Why Does It Matter?

We often discuss the difference between the PRICE and the COST of a home. We want buyers to realize, in many ways, the cost of a home is more important to them than the actual price. Obviously, price is part of the cost equation. The other piece, available financing, is also crucial. Soon, there will […]


Yet Another Housing Bear Turns Bull

Every day there seems to be more positive news about the real estate recovery. We attempt to give you two things in this blog: The actual data that indicates where the housing market is headed Quotes from analysts who have scrutinized this data Today, we want to give you a quote by Ivy Zelman which […]

Proper Planning for Your Mortgage Application

With good preparation, most things are easier. That works in mortgages too! Today, I want to give you some ideas that can make your mortgage experience less painful. Income Items: Gather your documents. Today, many people will have to produce 2 years’ complete tax returns, including W2’s, 1099’s, K1’s, and all the schedules, as well […]


Foreclosures: What About the Children? (Part 1)

We were recently troubled by the findings of a research paper authored by Julia Isaacs of the Brookings Institute for the organization First Focus which was titled The Ongoing Impact of Foreclosures on Children. In the report, Ms. Isaacs quantified the number of children that have been impacted: 2.3 million children have already lost their homes […]

Mortgages and Veterans

One of the great things about this country is that we do a lot for those who have served us. And in the area of real estate financing, we can do exceptional things. Understand that the VA (Veterans’ Administration) is, in the mortgage world, like HUD is with FHA financing. They are an insurance company, […]