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Three Reasons To Buy a Home in Today’s Shifting Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

Three Reasons To Buy a Home in Today’s Shifting Market [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • The housing market is moving away from the frenzy of the past year and it’s opening doors for you if you’re thinking about buying a home.
  • Housing inventory is increasing, which means more options for your search. Plus, the intensity of bidding wars may ease as buyer demand moderates, leading to fewer homes selling above asking price.
  • If you’re ready to buy a home, now may be the moment you’ve been waiting for. Let’s connect to start the homebuying process today.
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Want To Buy a Home? Now May Be the Time.

There are more homes for sale today than at any time last year. So, if you tried to buy a home last year and were outbid or out priced, now may be your opportunity. The number of homes for sale in the U.S. has been growing over the past four months as rising mortgage rates help slow the frenzy the housing market saw during the pandemic.
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Great News About Housing Inventory [INFOGRAPHIC]

Great News About Housing Inventory [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • Experts say the number of homes for sale is growing this year, and that can have a big impact on your move.
  • If you’re planning to buy, additional options in today’s market may be just what you’ve been waiting for. More inventory means added opportunities to find the home of your dreams.
  • Let’s connect so you have the latest information on available homes in our area.
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Wondering Where You’ll Move if You Sell Your House Today?

If you put a pause on your home search because you weren’t sure where you’d go once you sold your house, it might be a good time to get back into the market. That’s because today’s market is undergoing a shift, and the supply of homes for sale is increasing as a result. That means you may have a better chance of finding a home that will meet your current needs. Here are some options to consider.
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Why Growing Home Equity Is Great News if You Plan To Move [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why Growing Home Equity Is Great News if You Plan To Move [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • According to the latest data from CoreLogic, the average homeowner gained $64,000 in home equity over the past 12 months.
  • That much equity can be a game-changer when you move. When you sell, it could be some (if not all) of what you need for a down payment on your next home.
  • To find out how much equity you have in your home and how you can use it, let’s connect today.
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Real Estate Consistently Voted Best Investment [INFOGRAPHIC]

Real Estate Consistently Voted Best Investment [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • Based on a recent Gallup poll, real estate has been rated the best long-term investment for nine years in a row.
  • Owning real estate is more than just a place to call home. It’s also an investment in your future. That’s because it’s typically a stable and secure asset that can grow in value over time.
  • If you’re ready to buy a home and invest in your future, let’s connect.
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A Key Opportunity for Homebuyers

There’s no denying the housing market has delivered a fair share of challenges to homebuyers over the past two years. Two of the biggest hurdles homebuyers faced during the pandemic were the limited number of homes for sale and the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. But those two things have reached a turning point.
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The Top Reasons To Own Your Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Top Reasons To Own Your Home [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • June is National Homeownership Month, and it’s a great time to consider the benefits of owning your own home.
  • If you’re considering homeownership, know that it can give you privacy, comfort, and a place to express yourself. It can also provide financial stability and help you grow your net worth.
  • Are you ready to experience all the great benefits that come from purchasing a home? Let’s connect to begin the process today.
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Bright Days Are Ahead When You Move Up This Summer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Bright Days Are Ahead When You Move Up This Summer [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • Warmer weather and longer days mean summer is almost here. Celebrate by upgrading to the home of your dreams so you can enjoy all the season has to offer.
  • When you list your house, you can capitalize on today’s sellers’ market to fuel your upgrade. Then, you can move to a home with the features you want, like space to entertain or rooms for work and play.
  • If you’re ready to upgrade to a home that matches your changing needs, let’s connect.