
The 10-10-20 Concept: The Ultimate Door-Knocking Strategy

The 10-10-20 concept is an effective way to turn one listing into many. It is also a great way to establish your market and demonstrate the results you get in a given geographic area. This article will help you to familiarize yourself with this concept and start using it today! Watch the 10-10-20 in Action […]

7 Reasons To Provide Quality Content To Your Buyers & Sellers

“Communication is not just about proving a point with scientific rigor. It’s also about convincing your audience and getting them to relate to the point you’re trying to make.” – Harvard Business Review The amount of information available to buyers and sellers can be overwhelming. If you’ve been wondering how to stand out from the […]

How To Get The Right Price… The First Time

Pricing a property is one of the biggest challenges real estate professionals face. Sellers often want to price their home higher than recommended, and many agents go along with the idea to keep their clients happy. But if you really want to do right by your clients and sell their homes quickly, you need to […]

What Happens When Real Estate Is Not Local?

As a real estate professional, you certainly know that real estate is local, and in many cases hyper-local. However, today’s clients, whether they are buyers or sellers, are getting real estate information from highly-respected national sources, such as Bloomberg Radio, CNBC, and the Wall Street Journal almost every day. As a result, your clients’ perspective […]